Thursday, March 25, 2010

Transportation and Ocean Life

The three year old class is learning about different modes of transportation. This week during art we made some tire track print paintings. The children also made some name trains. We are working on learning the letters that are in our names and what order the letters come in. Check out the cool trains we made.

We are learning more about ocean life in the pre-k class. This week we read Eric Carle's Mister Seahorse and sponge-painted some beautiful seahorses. We have been watching some interesting videos about different ocean creatures. We got to watch a seahorse give birth and a starfish eat!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


We are growing some green in preschool. Last week we planted some grass seed and after just a week growing in our little greenhouse, these are almost ready for a haircut.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Moons and Rainbows

This morning the preschool class worked in groups of two on a large cooperative collage rainbow. It will be posted on one of our bulletin boards when it is finished. We used collage materials, paint dotters, stamps, stickers, and markers to make each color of the rainbow. They did a great job working together!

This afternoon in pre-k, we made a list of things we know about the moon. Then each student chose one sentence to write about the moon. We painted a moon on our paper and used our fingers to make the craters of the moon. It was impressive to hear what they have learned about gravity, meteors, and outer space!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Astronaut ice cream

Astronaut ice cream

Living in Space

Today in pre-k we read a story about living in space. In the book we learned that astronauts have to go to a special school to learn how to work without gravity. We also got to see pictures of the inside of a space station. The book described food that the astronauts eat in space. But it was definitely more interesting to taste it ourselves! We each got a little piece of freeze dried ice cream to try. Some of us didn't think it tasted very good, but some of us really enjoyed it!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

100th Day of Pre-K!

We finally got to 100! Thanks to all the snow days and early outs, we are a little behind the rest of the elementary with our 100th day, but we had lots of fun celebrating it. Today we made special t-shirts with the number 100 on them. We also decorated giant numbers with 100 objects, such as feathers, puzzles pieces, and sequins. Mindy made us some very delicious cupcakes in RC-L blue colors with the number 100. Tomorrow we will continue with a few more 100 activities.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Celebrating Dr. Seuss

Both the preschool and the pre-k classes celebrated Dr. Seuss's birthday today. The preschool class celebrated by listening to the story Green Eggs and Ham. Then we fingerpainted a fried egg like the one in the story. We used blue and yellow paint and mixed it with our fingers to make a green egg. Mindy brought in some delicious Cat in the Hat cupcakes for snack time.

The pre-k class listened to the story The Cat in the Hat and enjoyed Mindy's delicious cupcakes during snack time.

Yesterday the pre-k class made moonscapes with clay. We learned about how the moon's surface is covered with craters and used our thumbs to make craters on our clay moons. We also made some rockets out of the letters of our names. Those look really nice hanging on our locker doors.