Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas!

The afternoon class made Thank you cards for Santa. We used our fingerprints to decorate the trees on the cards.

Merry Christmas!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Thanksgiving Activities

As Thanksgiving gets closer, our activities are reflecting the upcoming holiday. The afternoon class made peanut butter. We shelled the peanuts, blended them with oil in the blender, and ate our delicious peanut butter on crackers. Thank you to Dorothy for her recipe, equipment, and tips!

All classes are counting out "whipped cream" onto little pumpkin pies. We are working on number identification and counting during this activity.

The morning classes used brown markers and orange watercolor paint to paint a piece of pumpkin pie. Tomorrow we will glue on the cotton whipped cream.

Another activity the children are enjoying is giving this wooden turkey feathers!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fall Walk

We enjoyed the beautiful fall weather today with a walk in the neighborhood. As we walked we noticed the colorful leaves that are falling from the trees.

We worked together to put the leaves in a big pile.......and then took turns jumping in!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Stop, Drop, and Roll

During our Fire Safety theme, we learned what to do if our clothes ever catch on fire.



and Roll.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

House Fire Painting

We are learning about fire safety in the three year old preschool class this week.

During art we made some paintings of a house on fire.
We started out with thin red, yellow, and orange paint. We blew the paint around our paper with straws. It was hard work!

Then we added smoke with paint rings and gray paint.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Shape Monsters

The Thursday morning class made shape monsters this morning. It was so fun to see their creativity at work!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Marshmallow Monsters

Butterfly Party

Our Very Hungry Caterpillar theme wrapped up this afternoon with our Butterfly Party. Thanks to all Dorothy's great butterfly ideas, we had a great time acting out the life cycle of the butterfly.

We started out as caterpillars that just hatched out of eggs. We crawled around pretending to eat leaves.

After we ate enough, we laid down on the floor and got wrapped up in our chrysallis.

After we rested in our chrysallis, we were transformed into beautiful butterflies (thanks to some tissue paper and pipe cleaners).

We sipped our nectar during snack time.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Grandmother's Glasses

These are grandmother's glasses......

This is grandmother's hat..........

This is the way she folds her hands and puts them in her lap.

These are grandfather's glasses.........

This is grandfather's hat.................

This is the way he folds his arms. Just like that.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Afternoon Class

Name Pennants

Cutting and Gluing collages

The Wheels on the Bus

The three year old class enjoyed helping me read the book, The Wheels on the Bus. After we read the story, we painted school busses with yellow paint and added children riding. There was also some pretend play in the dramatic play center that came from the story as children acted out the roles of bus driver and riders.

Role playing in the dramatic play center.

Painting school busses.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The School Year has Begun!

We have had a great start to our school year!

We played at centers........

During art we painted with dotters for our calendar bulletin board...

and we also had to time look at books and make new friends!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A New Beginning

We are all set to begin a new year of preschool!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Wrapping it up in Pre-K

We have been busy in pre-k since Easter.....Here are some pictures of what we have been doing.

We made a zoo using our scissors and sewing skills. Each student had a different animal that they colored and cut out. After we glued our animals onto a white styrofoam tray, we used yarn to lace up the bars of the cages. So cute!

We used our binoculars to go on a hallway safari. While we were walking, we graphed how many of each animal we saw.

During center time some of the girls made their own calendars! How clever! They cut squares, wrote the numbers, and used glue sticks to glue them onto another sheet of paper. The creativity of these kids always amazes me!

They have also discovered a love for drawing on the white boards! It's always a favorite activity that we save for Fridays. I love this drawing.....

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Easter Activities

The pre-k students are enjoying a new pouring activity at the handiwork center--pouring water through a funnel.

On Monday the preschool and pre-k class both enjoyed bird nest cookies at snack time.

After snack and listening to the story Max's Chocolate Chicken, the preschool class painted a chocolate bunny with brown paint mixed with pudding mix (it smelled so good!). We added real sprinkles to remind us of the story we read.

Thank you to the Student Council! They provided our classes with eggs for an Easter egg hunt!!! It was so nice of them to think of us.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Our colorful carnations

Our experiment with food coloring and carnations was fascinating to watch. We estimated how many days it would take before the flowers changed color. The only color we were disappointed in was purple. We used red and blue food coloring to make the water purple, but only the blue color was absorbed by the carnation. On Friday each child got to take one flower home with them.