Thursday, February 24, 2011

100th Day of School

We finally made it to the 100th day of pre-k yesterday!!

We made 100 days smarter hats with ten strips, each with ten stickers or stamps on them.

We used our bodies to make the number 100! The fun will continue for the rest of the week......

Monday, February 21, 2011

Transportation and Playing Outside

Last week the preschool class began a unit on transportation. We learned that transportation is a really long word for the ways that we can move people and things around. We also learned that there are three different modes of transportation--land, air, and water. We read a book about Mr. Little's Noisy Car and sponge painted a car. After they painted their car, each student got to decide where his/her car was going. It was interesting to see the responses!

After we cleaned up the paint, we got to play outside! It had been awhile since we had gotten to enjoy sunshine and fresh air! The children had a great time exploring the playground after having inside recess for a couple of months.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pre-K is out of this world!

The pre-k class has been so excited to begin a unit on space! They just can't wait to learn more about the Earth, moon, sun and stars. A few of us already know the names of the planets in our solar system! Yesterday we started a list of all the things we already know about space and what we want to learn more about. Today we painted some coffee filter planets to hang on our door.

Pre-K Valentine Party

It was so exciting to get to give Valentines to our friends at school.
We helped each other read the cards and told each other "Thank You!"

Valentine Parties

We had a great Valentine's Day party on Friday and Monday. We made Valentine's crowns (using some old bulletin board boarder and foam stickers). Then we got to wear the crowns while we played a game called Flying Hearts.

First we all got to hold onto the sheet. We listened very carefully to directions. We held the sheet still while some paper hearts were placed in the middle of the sheet. Then we all counted to three. 1, 2, 3.................................
We used our arms to make the sheet go up and down and the hearts went flying everywhere!

We all helped to pick them up!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Do you know the Muffin Man?

Valentine Projects

Today we learned what estimation means. We know now that to estimate means to make a guess. We practiced estimating by guessing how many conversation hearts we could hold in one hand. Then we reached in to grab a handful and counted how many we could actually hold.

Next we estimated how many conversation hearts would fit inside a heart on our paper. After we made our estimation, we filled the heart with candy to see how close our estimation was to the actual number that would fit.

The three year old class used liquid water color paint and brushes to make these beautiful heart doilies (this idea came from a blog called 4 Crazy Kings). To give our fingers more of a workout, the pre-k class used liquid water colors and eyedroppers to paint heart doilies. I love the rainbow look to these! We strung them with ribbon and hung them in our hallway.

Using the eyedroppers is great exercise for our fingers and will help us become good writers!